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tv   CNN Tonight With Don Lemon  CNN  August 30, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> fern stern. >> i would have gotten beaten up 20 times more. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> i hope you enjoyed this interview with howard stern. his book is out now. thank you for watching. this is "cnn tonight." i'm laura coates sitting in for don lemon. breaking news hurricane dorian a category 4 storm. 21 million people in florida bracing this extremely dangerous storm. the national hurricane center poses says poses a significant threat to florida. if dorian remains a category 4, that would make it the strongest storm to strike florida's atlantic coast since hurricane andrew in 1992. that storm causing some $27
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billion in damage. and leaving 26 people dead. fema said it's preparing for a major impact from dorian. the center of the storm is dppted to hit sometime tuesday afternoon. exactly where, we don't know yet. it still is too early to tell. that's one of the many things tonight people on edge. all of florida, all of florida has been placed under a state of emergency. and authorities are urging residents to stockpile a weeks worth of food and supplies. the president saying this as left the white house for camp david this evening. >> we don't know about evacuation. we're leaving it up locally. we don't know exactly where it will be coming. and how far in it's coming. >> florida governor with this warning. >> you need to take preparation for the storm. if you haven't already. >> now we'll talk about what
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those preparations look like tonight. all across the state of florida. it's important to remember this, this storm has been really unpredictable so far. and basically no one can say with 100% certainly exactly when and where it will hit. the message for anyone in florida whether you are a resident or visiting. here's the message. keep a very close eye on the changing forecast. we'll have the latest for you throughout this hour. and all night long here on cnn. correspondents are live in the storm zone. i want to go first to tom in the cnn weather center. tom, i'm so glad you're here. this storm is looking dangerous. tracking along huge parts of florida east coast. it's now a category 4. walk us through the forecast. what exactly is under threat right now? >> it hasn't changed as you just
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mentioned i wish we could do the people of florida greater justice. their nerves are a wreck. do we go what do we do. the entire peninsula is under a threat. we're ahead of schedule at category 4. 24 hours ago it was a category 1. incredible development in strengthment the models are in good con sen us. we're hoping it starts to slide east. that turn to the north still looks to happen. it would be nice if it happened earlier. we have had strong area of high pressure blocking it from moving north. therefore we're waiting on a new track in one hour. we'll see if category 5 is in the future. it will be catastrophic at a category 4 scraping interior sections of a populated part of florida. it's not looking good. >> catastrophic. joining me on the phone now is
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the flight director of the hurricane hunters. he's actually flying through hurricane dorian right now. we're showing viewers a video from inside the eye of the hurricane. to be clear it's not actually the plane you're on. we want to show just how intense it is. you have made multiple passes through this storm today. what is it looking like now? >> we saw a eye yesterday at this time. a profound eye today. very small, ten miles across. completely circular. extremely strong wind. in the eye wall itself. and we only went through it once in the daylight. we saw the clear sky. our next few passes were in the dark. we do our work fine in the dark. very big increase here of intensity.
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in 24 hours. >> you and your team has been flying in and out for days now. starting when it was off the coast. and now we know it's a category 4. what about this storm has stood out to you the most? >> the biggest thing was that it was not very well organized at all when it was down by barbados. and the virgin islands. it suddenly became organized. the radar pictures look better as far as clarity. and then we just seen this dramatic increase in intensity in the last 24 hours. so like our last -- surface winds of 125 knots. it's really gathered steam in the last 24 hours. >> looking at the graphic, it looks ominous. what is it like flying through the eye wall of the storm?
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>> it's quite a ride. we're flying at 8,000 feet. over the water. and we drop down to about 6,000 feet through the center of the storm. the radar makes it very clear where it's rough. we get everybody secured in their seats. and some of the outer bands we found rougher conditions for the airplane. but just amazing to get through the eye wall and the eye and it's perfectly calm. >> jack paris. thank you so much. this is scary to look at. the calmness is misleading. we have officials telling cnn they expect mandatory evacuations to begin sunday morning. joining me now from palm springs, brian todd. we have already seen the really long gas lines. supplies are flying off the shelves. how are people preparing down
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there? >> you mention the long gas lines. making a run on gasoline as they have been at this station in palm springs. all day long. we were just told by people here the this station is almost out of gas. a tanker truck is close by. we'll show you just the runs they have been making here. these lines have been snaking out the driveway and down the street. all day long. they have two lines here. one of them off another street and this street here. the key question is what are florida state officials doing to try to get gasoline to the stations? governor desantis says we have gas but because of the high demand all over the state, we have limited ability to get the gas from the ports to stations like this. they're waving tanker truck fees and service fees. escorting trucks with state highway patrol to get them to the places faster. still there's a big run on gas. they're worried about a lot of
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the stations running out. stations around here have already run out. people not knowing whether they have to evacuate starting sunday or not. i talked to the manager earlier today and asked whether customers are starting to get edgy. >> do people as we get closer to lt storm start to panic? do tempers flare? >> they do. because of the seriousness of this storm, i see this happening sooner. >> he told me on average he has about 1,700 people buying gas. he thinks that has tripled over the past couple days. there have been complaints about price gouging. of water and gas. not here. this manager is taking a lot of steps to not do that. but there have been complaints about that. state officials the attorney general is staying they have a
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task force in place to head off that problem. >> thank god for that. we don't want vulnerable people being exploited. we are there now. with vero beach facing a possible direct hit what are people doing there to prepare? >> doing the same thing you're seeing in a lot of places. they want to board up homes. we're inside of a home depot here. every major hardware store had two really heavy days of trade. people have been coming in here buying the plywood and the lumber. they need all the screws and everything. they have been through generators several times. they're out again. the plywood situation is down to about 50 sheets. they'll be gone tomorrow. and people become nervous about when are you going to get more. they are working hard and there
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are emergency shipments. because they know this storm is still several days away. people still need the supplies and food and fuel if they want to leave. and still have to secure homes. whether they will stay inside or plan to leave it. that chain is critical in the thinking of peoples planning. if it gets delayed they get delayed. if they plan to leave the departure is delayed and that could be catastrophic. >> thank you. up and down florida is at risk. we'll go to miami. residents are taking no chances and stocking up on supplies. cnn is in downtown miami. you have been seeing a lot of activity at stores around miami. how are people there stocking up? >> i was in north miami earlier today. and the manager of the costco said he had seen foot traffic increase by 60%. we were there when a truckload of water came in.
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about 1,200 cases. and that lasted most of it gone within about an hour. we were talking to residents there who said they were monitoring keeping a close eye. but starting to prepare and stock up on water but also medicine. folks were looking for generators and extension cords. lanterns were out. so folks taking note of this. and trying to prepare for what authorities are suggesting seven days with limited resources to make sure they have enough for that. should dorian really take a toll here. >> thank you. we'll keep an eye on miami. i want to bring in storm chaser aaron. live from orlando. you were in cocoa beach florida today where hurricane prep is fully under way. we can see businesses are boarding up windows and doors. what else did you see? >> i just said everybody is
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taking this storm seriously. it is a major hurricane. it's been upgraded category 4. all the businesses are putting wood on wids. and i did notice i went to a restaurant this hamafternoon an people are enjoying like a regular friday night. >> from what you have seen on the ground is this storm being taken serious? are people out to eat and missing the point? or just crazy. what's happening. >> no, i think it's -- this probably people are trying to cope with the stress of the storm. it's still unknown where the storm exactly will go. it looks like florida will be take the brunt of the storm. and maybe it won't come ashore. maybe it will stit offshore. some cases if it stits offshore it could be worse it sits there for days and piles up surge, wind and rain. that can lead to really bad
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flooding. for the most part people are handling it like it shouldment people are on the beach and probably seasoned with this type of event. that's what they do. they'll go about and prepare. but go ahead and live their lives and deal with the stress. >> you saw some crowds today at a gas station in orlando. have residents who need fuel been able to actually get the fuel? >> yes. i didn't have any problems getting fuel. and everybody the long lines in orlando. this was downtown. i targeted the downtown area because i tend to find in the hurricane situations that more the gasoline usage is in the suburbs. they were out of the premium. the non-regular unled. there is shortages going on. i heard from some twitter feeds i was seeing the police are escorting more gasoline trucks here. normally there is at first a
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little drop in the gasoline. it's hard to finds it. but eventually that evens out. people get the gas and more gas gets shipped in. closer to the event. the concerns go away. there's plenty of gas and the problem becomes just having electricity to supply the gasoline. >> thank you so much for being on the ground for us. everybody on the east coast of florida needs to be making preparations tonight. for this monster storm. we'll talk to government officials from the communities that could be in the path of the hurricane next. i saved hundreds when i switched my car insurance to geico. this is how it made me feel. it was like that feeling when you pull your green sock out of the dryer and then the very next sock is the other green one.
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plus no payments for up to 90 days. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? a netflix subscription on us. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. hurricane dorian threatening a huge swath of the florida coast. as the category 4 storm bares down on millions of people across the entire state. it could severely affect places like miami all the way up to jacksonville and beyond. i was speaking with officials from several areas that could face a direct hit. we start with palm beach county mayor. mac ber nard in palm springs. thank you for coming on the show.
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it's an important time for your community. dorian is on track to do serious damage to the county. what is your biggest concern as it approaches? >> thank you for having me. my biggest concern is really for seniors in palm beach county. we have over 1.5 million residents that reside in the county. over 25% of that population are seniors. we're concerned to make sure they are ready for the hurricane. what we're concerned about is make sure that our seniors are making the preparation needed to be ready for this hurricane. so for some of the neighbors who are if you have seniors in your neighborhood, please help your seniors in terms of making sure they're ready. we hope all of the seniors have the necessary supplies, food, medication to be ready. we'll be opening 15 shelters on sunday. and also we're opening a special needs shelter for some seniors
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who need that special needs. and also a pet friendly shelter. our shelters are open for the general population but specifically we want our seniors to have the right information to be ready for the storm. >> officials are telling cnn that mandatory evacuations are going to maybe begin sunday morning? are you concerned given your seniors and other vulnerable people should start earlier than sunday? >> we have had a meeting with the governor this morning. to make sure that we're prepared. and we typically need about 17 to 20 hours to have all of the residents in the locations that are needed. so we believe that sunday morning is a perfect time and get everybody who needs to be evacuated. what we're doing is we want to make sure the residents who live in specific zones evacuate. if you're not in one of the
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zones, what we want is for the residents to stay somewhere that is close make sure they're in a safe place. do not go far. we don't want them to head on the highway. so they head north and is to be caught in the storm heading north. this storm is heading north and it could hit them all the way to jacksonville. we want residents to stay in place. >> thank you for your time. good luck to the community. thank you so much. vero beach mayor joins me now. our latest track shows dorian making land fall nearly right on top of you. is it ready? >> vero beach is very ready. we maybe the most ready in the united states to have a hurricane. we have been through this many times before. we had a direct hit in 2004. and a near direct hit actually worse than that a little bit
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south of us three weeks later. september 5 and 6 we had gene and francis. francis and then gene. in 2004. people who have been in the community for those 15 years know exactly what it means and take it seriously. i have seen all week long we have started early. people were getting gas three days ago. they were starting to get boarded up and we have a new electric provider in the community. which has half of the state of florida. the east coast. we previously had a government electric. now we're super-ready. they have incredible resources for reestablishing power after wards. my concerns like the other mayor, i'm concerned about the elderly. i'm also very concerned that some of the newer residents may not have the same level of concern about this. and so i want them to talk to
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neighbors and talk to the other people who have been through the storms. we had a couple near misses in the last two years with matthew and irma. and so people are expecting it to be just like them, they could let down their guard. everyone needs to take it seriously. the other major concern is storm surge. we are currently experiencing the king tides. if we get a storm surge during the same time, it could be devastating to the community. they have been talking at the emergency operation center meetings. that storm surge could be between seven and 11 feet. that significant. on top of the high tide you can have waves in addition to that which are very large. people need to listen. when there's a mandatory evacuation follow through. we'll be opening our special needs shelter on sunday morning. and remaining shelters sunday
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afternoon. you cannot have mandatory evacuations until you have the shelters open. that's the reason why they won't start until sunday. in this community. there will be voluntary tomorrow. we have the police going onto the 12 hour shifts. coming up this weekend. and. >> preparedness is key. >> 5:00 today. >> you're very prepared and heeding -- hope people heed the warnings. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> i want to turn to florida representative. who represents jacksonville. jacksonville hasn't had a direct hit from a hurricane since 1964. but right now the path shows dorian hitting jacksonville. as a category 2. what are you worried about most here? >> thank you. i think the main thing we need to do is stay calm.
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but prepare. the mayor mention how the communities are doing that. that's what we're seeing the folks here do. we have our mayor and governor continued to give the briefings and explain how folks can go about making plans and doing checklists and all of that. city and state officials have been in touch with the assisted living facilities and nursing homes to make sure they have supplies and generators. and it's been a long time since we have had a direct hit. we're not far from the storm but we're not close enough to know exactly where the path will be. a few days out. we encourage everyone to continue to watch the forecast. continue to listen to the local officials and the state officials. and continue to prepare and stay skaum. that's the main thing. >> you have the st. john river running right through jacksonville. does that make your city even more vulnerable? >> with irma we saw quite a bit
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of flooding on either side. we have low areas. and downtown was significantly flooded. when irma came through. it was devastating to the city. we have recovered and gotten ready and prepared. again we need to make sure residents are heeding warnings and not just saying we haven't had a direct hit in a while. and that was bad before. but then take it for granted. we fleneed to prepare and we ha low areas. we're thankful flt governor authorized resources to come. with fuel and water. and everyone just again needs to continue to watch the forecast. and listen to the officials when they give the messages. >> representative, thank you so much. we have much more on hurricane dorian. miami beach is already experiencing flooding. days before the storm is expected to even make land fall. we'll tell you why, next. anyone can deliver pizza.
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dorian is now a category 4 hurricane. while it's uncertain exactly where it will hit, the storms eye tracking directly towards florida. the states bracing for dangerous wind speeds, flooding and so called king tides. that is a term used to describe exceptionally high tide putting low lying closal areas like
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miami for example at particular risk for flooding. joining me now the emergency manager. and fire chief. pete gomez. i'm glad you're here. miami beach commissioners captured images earlier today. there wasn't even any significant rain yet and you're already experiencing flooding. how do you prepare for an oncoming hurricane when you are already facing these kinds of challenges? >> you bring up a great point. the king tides has added a new mix to the regular tough situation. but we adapt just like we do with other things and asked the residents to be vigilant and stay out of the areas. and once we issue a declaration for evacuation and honor the requests. they do put themselves in a lot of dangerous because of the rising tide and the flooding that will be experienced with
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the hurricane. >> this summer miami set daily high tide records for more than a week straight between late july and even early august. is your city more vulnerable at this time of the year? >> we are vulnerable. we're very vulnerable during the king tide. and we have seen an increase in flooding and adapted to it. we have retro fitted different vehicles. high water vehicles. they are able to respond through the flooded areas like in irma. last year we couldn't get a vehicle through here. with the vehicles now we're able to respond through at areas. it's an adaptation. because of the king stid and the rising seas. which obviously in our opinion is due to climate change. >> of course you spent already millions to deal with the increase flooding. what kind of storm surge or king tide could you sustain with all
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the adaptations now? >> well, we're going to -- we don't know the limit. we have been dealing with what we're getting. during irma six to nine foot storm surges and we saw how much flooding it caused in this area in particular. we had to adapt our vehicles and adapt the way we respond and getting the message out to the community. it's an adaptation process. >> when are you planning to make a decision on whether or not to evacuate the city of miami? >> well, the decision really will be made by miami-dade county. but the models are still so unpredictable. we can't make the decision. it's they have to take a little bit more time and get gather more data. and we're in contact with the national hurricane center. and it's a collective decision. and you gather as much as data as you can before they make the decision. it's too early to tell when the
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calls will be made. >> miami emergency manager. thank you so much. >> with dorian now a category 4 hurricane, we'll look at who is most at risk. my case, how the storm could expose the most vulnerable is next. now's your chance to save big on america's favorite boats during the model year clearance sale.
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as hurricane dorian barrelling towards florida it's important to think about how a storm as strong as this can put the most vulnerable at risk. for undocumented immigrants there's fear authorities might arrest them as they check into shelters. that puts them in danger from
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seeking help. immigration says it doesn't conduct operations at hurricane evacuation sites or shelters. in a statement ice said a crisis such as the destruction caused by a hurricane is not a time to compound one tragedy upon another. by spreading fear in our community with false rumors of ice operations. instead we must stand as one community to focus on aiding the victims. still, immigration groups are on edge. with one group telling the miami times we're ready for the worst. we don't trust ice. among other vulnerable populations in florida, elderly patients in nursing homes. remember, 12 people died when hurricane irma knocked out power at a florida nursing home in 2017. a fallen tree damaged the transformer ouri transformer powering the air-conditioning. the patients experience hazardous heat conditions.
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for days. the deaths prompted then governor scott to set new emergency requirements that mandate nursing homes and the living facilities to have a generators and adequate fuel to maintain a comfortable temperature for at least 96 hours after a power outage. those requirements have not been totally met. according to an analysis from the miami he recalled. 60% of the nursing homes have not installed equipment that meets the new standard. that means 400 nursing homes across florida do not have enough back up power for air-conditioning for four days. if the storm causes damage anything like irma a lot of people who can't help themselves could be in danger. governor of florida says they are on top of it. >> there's going to be site checks and phone calls to make sure they have a plan to deal with the folks that are in their
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care. and then once the storm passes, they'll be spot checks done in conjunction with the department of health. to see where there maybe needs after the storm and see who has lost power. >> officials across florida are working hard tonight to make sure they are equipped to respond to this monster storm. one of the officials is eric the director of the emergency preparedness for orlando health and joins now. hurricane dorian just hit category 4 strength with max winds of 130 miles per hour. tell us, how are your hospitals preparing for this? how sl they? >> we have been preparing this whole week. we have done a lot of extra steps and task to make sure we're ready for this hurricane. and really to help the community at large. we have ensured the generators are topped off and ready to go.
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sandbags in places. we have numerous days worth of food on hand in the hospitals already. we'll be getting more supplies tomorrow. and also more supplies after the hurricane. tons of water. and a lot of medicine and medical supplies. and we have had to go as far as thinking about out patient facilities and putting vaccinations on generator power. there's huge steps we have gone through this week and continue to go through. to make sure we're ready. one of the biggest things we have plan foris not only before, during, but after. and we expect a will the of impacts from this major hurricane. exacts to facilities and trees and streets. also to people. causing a lot of patients who are hospitals. we typically see a lot of chain saw accidents. ladder accidents. slip trips and falls.
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carbon monoxide poisoning. we don't want that to happen and ask people to take extra vigilance out there doing repairs and assessments after the hurricane. those things do happen. we have to be ready for those emergencies. >> i understand one of the things you're doing is establishing additional free standing emergency rooms. across central florida. tell us about that. >> right, we're setting up numerous departments across florida. to help get our care out to patients and communities we haven't been out to before. our plan with that is go on lock down mode during the hurricane. with our staff in place ready to care for patients that maybe incoming after the hurricane. so they're on generator power and have food and water. we will stay connected to all the sites throughout the whole hurricane. >> when should people start seeking help at a hospital rather than an emergency room --
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shelter. >> the big thing to remember is hospitals are not shelters. shelters are shelters. hospitals are for those in critical need of life saving measures or really sick or really injured. so now is it time to plan. you have time. find local shelter in your area. and go to that. not the hospital. we need to stay open for those who really need the help. whose lives are at risk. >> thank you for your time. and preparedness. dorian is now a category 4 storm and strentening. just how much damage could florida be in for? i'll ask a former fema administrator. next. this is rick blomquist. his life is pretty comfortable. then, he laid on a serta and realized his life was only just sorta comfortable. i've been living a lie. (laughs) the serta icomfort hybrid mattress. not just sorta comfortable, serta comfortable. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10?
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hurricane dorian now a category 4 and continuing to strengthen. florida bracing for dorian's impact and the damage that could be caused by the monster storm. governor says there are almost 28,000 line men, tree crews and support to help across the state to restore power. and 200 generators delivered for prestaging. joining me now, former fema administrator. welcome to the show, craig. it's important to have your expertise. hurricane dorian is intensifying. look at this animation we have. it is showing what the various categories mean. and the conditions that they cause. by the time it gets from the category 1 to a category 4, we're talking about winds speeds up to 130 to 156 miles per hour. and catastrophic damage that can tear off roofs. is this what florida is up
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against right >> yeah, it is, but i want to talk about one thing. you know, we talk about wind. that's not the big killer in these hurricanes. it's water, the storm surge and heavy rain. as this storm is increasing in its strength, we can expect to see much more storm surge impacts in coastal areas, and that's where we want people to evacuate. so we want to stay focused on the most deadly part of this hurricane, which is going to be the water, particularly storm surge, and that's why it's so important that people heed the evacuation orders in these coastal communities in that's given. >> extraordinarily important point. we spoke to our weather team at cnn and asked them what other storms dorian is like, and they made the comparison to hurricane matthew back in 2016 in the way that it seemed to tease the coast because dorian's track keeps on changing, and that's one thing that makes it all the more difficult, that makes it so hard to track, right? >> yeah. again, this is what -- as i said, the storm is going to slow down.
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it does several things. one, it gives us more time to prepare. but it also means there's less certainty of the impacts. it's all going to come down to ultimately how close does dorian come to the florida coast. does it make a landfall? does it stay right off of the coast? does it parallel the coast? and, again, it's much too early for people to start making any plans about it may not be as bad or i may not be hit because we've seen this change over the last couple days. those trends, if they hold up, may be less impacts, but we still don't know. and if the storm does -- you know, like ed rappaport was saying earlier today, the deputy director, if it just goes 50 miles further towards the coast, that's a landfall. so, again, we tell people don't focus on the track right now as much as heed the advice of your local officials. they're looking at things like how soon would they get tropical-force winds. the local weather service offices are looking at these
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high tide cycles. right now this track has changed a little bit each forecast. i think the more important thing is to go ahead and prepare, know what you're going to do, particularly if you live in the evacuation zones. and if you're not in the evacuation zones, i think the other thing you got to be prepared for is heavy rainfall and what could be potentially widespread, long-duration power outages. as much as utilities prepare for this and bring in extra crews, the reality is a hurricane this size, this powerful, we could see power outages against large areas of the state, and it would be, you know, days or more before we would expect the majority of the power to come back on. >> craig fugate, sound advice. thank you so much for talking to us today. you know, the new forecast for hurricane dorian is coming in right now, and tom sater is in the cnn weather center. tom, what do you have? >> well, i tell you what, 24 hours ago, laura, as mentioned at the top of the hour, it was a category 1. it's a category 4. but just since 8:00, the
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pressure has dropped even more. when that happens, the winds kick up. so now we've got winds at 140. that's up 10 miles an hour in the last -- since the last advisory. to get to a category 5, it would have to get up to 157. i mean we don't want that. we'd have to nuke it. we don't want to do that. i jest, but in is no laughing matter when it comes still to the possibilities of what is ahead. and what is ahead -- i'm trying to advance these graphics -- is we're watching the curve still taking its way toward the north, but it seems to be a tad earlier. we're still not out of the woods with this yet because it's extremely close. as we look at the track now from the national hurricane center, it puts on the brakes even more. category 4 crossing freeport. we're close to cape canaveral as a 3, but now it skims up the coast. this is still a rough situation because of all the rain and the storm surge with that heavily populated region. but, again, the trend, lauer,ras
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to the east. that's what we want to see. if it continues that, we're looking better but we're not out of the woods because matthew devastated the carolinas with record rainfall and we don't want to see that either. >> tom sater, thank you. we'll be right back. ♪ (music plays throughout)
7:55 pm
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8:00 pm
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